The History of Traditional Market`s Names in Jakarta
Monday, May 17, 2010
BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 5/5/2010 12:10:46 PM
Jakarta as a metropolitan city has markets with their names were based on the names of days in a week. Out of those seven days` name, the most popular until now are Pasar Minggu (Sunday Market), Pasar Senen (Monday Market), Pasar Rebo (Wednesday Market) and Pasar Jum’at (Friday Market). Those names have been used for the name of some areas.
Jakarta as a metropolitan city has markets with their names were based on the names of days in a week. Out of those seven days` name, the most popular until now are Pasar Minggu (Sunday Market), Pasar Senen (Monday Market), Pasar Rebo (Wednesday Market) and Pasar Jum’at (Friday Market). Those names have been used for the name of some areas.
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